According to the National Safety Council, around 400 deaths result from motor vehicle collisions over Labor Day Weekend. A notorious road-trip weekend, it’s one of the busiest on the road. If you’re planning a weekend excursion, make sure you’re well rested, plan for frequent rest stops, and divide driving duties if possible.

You should also have your car checked by a registered mechanic to avoid a break down on the road. Don’t forget to pack a vehicle emergency kit that contains items like a flashlight, jumper cables, a tool kit, tire gauge and flares.


Fireworks are fun, flashy, and festive, but many of us overlook the injury they can cause. An estimated 15,600 fireworks injuries were treated in US emergency rooms during 2020. Even sparklers can inflict serious injury.

If you choose to use fireworks, be sure you take some precautions:

Boating is a common event in Middle East and other parts of the world. Make sure you keep it safe by ensuring the boat is in good mechanical condition and carries all safety equipment including personal flotation devices, an emergency kit, and a first aid kit. Keep away from restricted areas, be sure that you’re familiar with the rules of the water, and tell someone on land where you’re heading and what time you expect to return.

What’s a weekend without lots of food? Picnics, barbeques, etc., that means so is the chance of food-borne illness.

To minimize the chance of cross-contamination and food-borne illness, use these tips:

In addition to avoiding food-borne illness, follow current CDC recommendations for cleaning surfaces and navigating social interactions to lessen the chances of coronavirus spread.

Remember the golden rule: If your urine is yellow, you’re not drinking enough water.

It’s the end of summer, but in many parts of the country, the sun is still raging. Apply sunscreen before you head out in the sun and reapply as necessary. Remember that the elderly and the young have especially sensitive skin and don’t forget that some medications can increase your skin’s sensitivity to the sun.

Whether you’re splashing in a pool, enjoying the ultimate picnic, or knocking out those household chores, we want you to stay safe.

Remember: An accident is never planned. But keeping our safety tips in mind may help prevent one.

Courtesy: WSO Safety Share

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